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A green entrance for the airport

Brussels Airport

Brussels Airport is one of the busiest airports of Europe, with over 25.000 passengers per day. The Curb is the main entrance plaza, connecting all parking garages to the departure hall. It used to be the drop-off zone and infrastructural heart of the complex. Since the airport was the target of a terrorist attack in 2016, it was closed for cars, leaving an empty and undefined space behind. Felixx turned the Curb into a hybrid park-square, uniting the intense use of the space with the green ambition of realizing a co2 neutral airport by 2050. This goal is turned into a spatial billboard, providing a warm and green welcome for all travelers.

Brussels Airport timelapse of the transition

The orientation of the Curb is changed: from a linear infrastructural strip between the parking buildings and the departure hall, towards a square that unites both sides. An alternating floor pattern of white and grey lines literally connects the entrances of the garages to the ones of the hall. Within the dark strips, extruded boxes with lush vegetation are positioned. They differentiate planted areas from open walkways, naturally guiding passengers while providing pleasant places to stay.


To further enhance the wayfinding within the area, the linear pattern is strategically disturbed by scaled and rotated logos of Brussels Airport, to mark the building entrances on both sides of the Curb.

The planters are custom designed. The strips have different lengths and heights, tailormade to provide ideal conditions for a wide diversity of vegetation. A variety of herb- and shrub species is combined with 35 different types of trees. They create a collection of small ecosystems on the square, boosting the biodiversity within a hard and infrastructural environment.

During the next years, the area around the Curb will be redeveloped, to realize the 2040 Brussels Airport Masterplan. The park is a temporary installation, covering the timeframe till the transformation of the Curb area itself within these plans. Therefore the project maximizes circular reuse of the applied elements. The planting strips are modular, engineered as connected movable boxes. Their materialization and color scheme are in line with the 2040 Outdoor Space Manual for Brussels Airport. As the first project realized within this frame, the park provides 100 planting boxes, to be reused and integrated in the final layout of the Brussels Airport complex.

Brussels Airport Plan




Brussels Airport, Belgium




Brussels Airport


500 m2


Landscape Architecture Aotearoa


Michiel Van Driessche
Marnix Vink
Deborah Lambert
Shailaja Shah
Robert-Jan van der Linden
Natalia Andreeva
Thijs van der Zouwen
Grijsen International
Zoontjes Boomprojecten
Geerdink Markeringen

  1. 'Typhoon-proof' Shenzhen's East Coast
  2. A green entrance for the airport
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  7. 宝安G107城市走廊
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  13. Cartesius 街区
  14. Circular City Bodø 2.0
  15. 秋明城市花园
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  22. 叶卡捷琳堡城市乐园
  23. 二龙山休闲公园
  24. 鲁汶渔市
  25. Floating Gardens, Amsterdam
  26. 埃德和瓦赫宁根的“知识轴线”
  27. 加尔扎拜尔
  28. Healthy Tracks
  29. 海德堡创意居住街区
  30. Hondsrug Park Amsterdam
  31. 码头印象
  32. Isle of Dikes
  33. 乔纳斯,阿姆斯特丹
  34. 克罗南堡 商业园
  35. 勒沃库森的铁路机车大厅
  36. Ludlstrasse 慕尼黑
  37. 阿尔梅勒海事校园
  38. Master Plan Ter Aar, Nieuwkoop
  39. Smáralind 购物中心总体规划
  40. 大都会公园Westerpark阿姆斯特丹
  41. Design Guide Public Space, Groningen
  42. Ódinstorg 广场
  43. Overloon War Museum
  44. 阿姆斯特丹Somerlust公园
  45. 坎特伯雷大教堂区
  46. Proto Tamansari, 日惹
  47. 阿尔卑斯山公共空间
  48. 坎普尔公共空间策略
  49. 迪腾巴赫区
  50. 奉贤研发园区
  51. Railroad Zone Amsterdam
  52. 再发展策略 Vogabyggð
  53. Berat 弹性滨河景观
  54. 莱茵弗利特社区的城市食物森林
  55. S-West 爱因霍芬
  56. S4 高速路, 杭州
  57. 斯希街区 斯希丹
  58. 重庆市科技城
  59. Seaside Gardens, Gufunes
  60. Sijthoff
  61. Smakkelaarsveld Utrecht
  62. 未来的“社科之城”
  63. Spatial Framework Blankenburg Süden, Berlin
  64. 爱尔巴桑策略规划
  65. Fier 规划策略
  66. Shkodra 城市策略
  67. 绿色城市策略
  68. 20世纪博物馆
  69. The Swan, Zwolle (NL)
  70. The Unbound Amsterdam
  71. Towards a healthy city by foot
  72. 车里雅宾斯克城市转型策略
  73. 居菲内斯空间转换策略
  74. 城市实验农场
  75. Vaskhnil,新西伯利亚
  76. 别墅花园
  77. 新西伯利亚滨水区
  78. 'Yaanila Country' 乡村公园
  79. Yangmeikeng Sea Boulevard
  80. 越秀353转型
  81. Zinder 文化聚落
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