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Hondsrug Park Amsterdam

From a four-lane motorway to a lively city park

      From a four-lane motorway to a lively city park.

The Amstel III district is located between the Amsterdam Arena in the North, IKEA and the AMC Medical center in the South. Currently a monofunctional business district, in the coming years, the area will be transformed into a lively, mixed-use, climate resilient district with improved social and economic conditions. An area and strategic design proposal developed by Felixx, envision future-proof and attractive living and working environment for the transformed district.


Hondsrug Park will provide a variety of places for rest, active recreation and other activities around the clock. The wide spectrum of park programs along the edges of the park will cater to the users from Amstel III and beyond.


Hondsrug Park is well integrated in the city and is easily accessible. Strong connections link the park with the surrounding neighborhoods.  Diverse nodes of activities will be placed at the intersections of the links to create intuitive routes and enhance navigation through the park.

Plan Hondsrug Park, Amstel III, Amsterdam Southeast.


1) Activities - The park is divided into three different landscapes zones, each with its own atmosphere. The northernmost part forms the "sports landscape" with predominantly open lawns and trees. In addition to sports and games, this flexible space offers a possibility for temporary programs and small-scale events.

2) Tranquility - The central part forms the "natural park landscape" with height differences created by hills and swales. This part will have a natural appearance where users can unwind and relax. The height difference provides various small-scale informal outdoor rooms to stay.

3) Social interaction - The most southern part of the Hondsrugpark will be the "garden landscape", a place for social interaction. The plinths of the directly adjacent buildings are largely programmed with urban functions such as bars & restaurants. Parts of the park will be used for terraces, creating a comfortable relaxed atmosphere.

Zoning of the Hondsrug Park; spaces for activities, tranquility & social interaction.


As the park becomes a place for many different people, the flora and fauna in the three different park scenes are just as divers. By planting many varied species and creating different habitats and microclimates, the Hondsrug Park will soon be home to a wealth of biodiversity. The wadis are planted with specific species, increasing biodiversity in the city. They attract specific fauna and look attractive. Stimulating the dynamics between humans and nature improves awareness for nature.


Infographic; a (bio-)diverse and resilient environment for humans and animals.

development in phases along with ITS SURROUNDINGS

The first step in the implementation of the Hondsrug Park is the partial removal of the asphalt. Earthworks, planting and the conversion into a meandering bus lane can begin. 

Graph: Hondsrug Park will develop in phases along with the new Amstel III district.

As soon as  housing construction is completed, the remaining asphalt of the bus lane can be removed. Shaping of the landscape and tree planting will give the park its final shape. The esplanade will be built on top of a multifunctional utility tunnel underneath.




Hondsrugweg Amsterdam Nederland


基础设施, 景观, 公共空间




5 ha


Pakhuis De Zwijger: Hoe gaat het nieuwe stadspark van Amsterdam Zuidoost eruitzien?
ArchDaily: Ten best unbuild projects


Michiel Van Driessche
Marnix Vink
Deborah Lambert
Naya Tzika-Kostopoulou
Elan Redekop van der Meulen
Eduardo Marin
Caro de Visscher


  1. 别墅花园
  2. 阿姆斯特丹Somerlust公园
  3. 坎普尔公共空间策略
  4. 斯希街区 斯希丹
  5. Vaskhnil,新西伯利亚
  6. 坎特伯雷大教堂区
  7. 'Yaanila Country' 乡村公园
  8. 城市实验农场
  9. Zinder 文化聚落
  10. Ódinstorg 广场
  11. 达拉维 孟买
  12. 秋明城市广场
  13. 新西伯利亚滨水区
  14. Proto Tamansari, 日惹
  15. 再发展策略 Vogabyggð
  16. 阿尔梅勒海事校园
  17. 泰尔-阿珀尔庇护所中心
  18. Smáralind 购物中心总体规划
  19. Ludlstrasse 慕尼黑
  20. Berat 弹性滨河景观
  21. Ásbrú企业园
  22. 20世纪博物馆
  23. Overloon War Museum
  24. 克罗南堡 商业园
  25. 柏林市民公园
  26. Bandar Lampung 公园
  27. 秋明城市花园
  28. 以生物多样性为基础的奶牛养殖产业
  29. 大都会公园Westerpark阿姆斯特丹
  30. 阿尔卑斯山公共空间
  31. 爱尔巴桑策略规划
  32. Fier 规划策略
  33. Shkodra 城市策略
  34. 居菲内斯空间转换策略
  35. 宝安G107城市走廊
  36. 加尔扎拜尔
  37. 叶卡捷琳堡城市乐园
  38. 车里雅宾斯克城市转型策略
  39. 鲁汶渔市
  40. 码头印象
  41. 乔纳斯,阿姆斯特丹
  42. S4 高速路, 杭州
  43. 埃德和瓦赫宁根的“知识轴线”
  44. 绿色城市策略
  45. 越秀353转型
  46. 二龙山休闲公园
  47. 勒沃库森的铁路机车大厅
  48. 丹霞休闲公园
  49. Cartesius 街区
  50. Lelystad校园
  51. S-West 爱因霍芬
  52. 奉贤研发园区
  53. 达姆施塔特城市规划2030+
  54. 海德堡创意居住街区
  55. Isle of Dikes
  56. 莱茵弗利特社区的城市食物森林
  57. Sijthoff
  58. 迪腾巴赫区
  59. 布吉河
  60. 未来的“社科之城”
  61. Almazov National Medical Research Centre
  62. Smakkelaarsveld Utrecht
  63. 赫尔蒙德智能社区Brainport
  64. Eemsdelta Campus
  65. The Unbound Amsterdam
  66. Healthy Tracks
  67. Master Plan Ter Aar, Nieuwkoop
  68. Floating Gardens, Amsterdam
  69. A green entrance for the airport
  70. City life in the woods
  71. The Swan, Zwolle (NL)
  72. 'Typhoon-proof' Shenzhen's East Coast
  73. Towards a healthy city by foot
  74. Hondsrug Park Amsterdam
  75. Yangmeikeng Sea Boulevard
  76. Circular City Bodø 2.0
  77. Railroad Zone Amsterdam
  78. Spatial Framework Blankenburg Süden, Berlin
  79. Design Guide Public Space, Groningen
  80. Seaside Gardens, Gufunes
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