Spatial Framework Blankenburg Süden, Berlin
Circular organization of four new residential areas where the landscape shapes the city
The area between Blankenburg Süden and Heinersdorf is a garden land in the green periphery north of Berlin, surrounded by farmland, scattered clusters of trees and allotment gardens.The current high pressure on residential facilities in Berlin is being addressed partly by densification of the city center and partly by developments in vacant areas on Berlin’s periphery. Blankenburg is designated as one of the largest expansion sites, covering an area of 150ha and providing up to 6000 new affordable and healthy homes for the people of Berlin.
Blankenburg Süden, Plan
Landscape City
A new city district is created that commits to a strong relationship with the surrounding landscape qualities and services such as water, food, energy, knowledge, raw materials, mobility & biodiversity. A “landscape city”, that adapts to the scale of the various cores in this green expanse. It does not become an independent, demarcated district, but emphatically fits into the context, strengthens existing cores and expands them. As a result the area also acquires the scale of communities in the vicinity.
"Land Shapes the City" - Water bodies become “Waterland”, fields & allotment gardens become “Garden Land” and ruderal forest wilderness becomes “Forestland".
Characteristic Landscapes
The new district is organized in four distinct quarters, based on specific landscape typologies. The Landscape City in effect is built up by neighborhoods as landscapes; the Waterland, Garden Land, Productive Land and the Forestland. Each landscape has its own specific focus, functionality and atmosphere. The various landscapes deal with circularity differently and are therefore complementary. Collectively, they form a circular piece of the city, intricately connected to its surroundings.
Waterland - For the southern residential neighborhood, the Waterland, we design rain gardens, and wooded slopes where you can pick your own berries.
Forestland - The Forestland also offers areas for gardening (“edible forest”: fruits, berries, herbs) as a recreational, health-promoting or learning experience.
Garden Land - The vegetable gardens of the Garden Land residential neighborhood in the west are places where knowledge is shared and communal neighborhood activities take place.
Productive Land - The Productive Land describes the new business park in the east of the area, where a circular approach to large-scale food production is realized on the roofs of commercial buildings.
Blue-Green, BIodiversity & Integrated Watersystems
Water-, Forest & Garden Land represent large-scale landscape spaces with natural conditions. Rainwater management functions according to sponge city and cascade principles. They form different ecosystems: dry, wet, high and low vegetation. The existing protected biotopes are preserved, as well as the existing ecosystem of water bodies. Stormwater management areas include blue-green roofs, swale-trench systems along streets, infiltrative pavements, and diverse urban wetlands.
The goal is to create a district that makes a significant contribution to the water, energy and food supply, to an environmentally friendly mobility system, to resource-efficient production and to an intensive social exchange of the entire area. These various aspects will be integrated into each neighborhood as circular systems. This circularity also extends beyond the separate neighborhoods, enabling the entire area to contribute maximally to climate regulation, rainwater management, food production and to the enhancement of biodiversity.
2020 - 2021
Blankenburg Süden, Heinersdorf, Berlin
Masterplan, Infrastructure, Landscape
Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung und Wohnen, Berlin
150 ha
2021 WLA Merit Award
2020 Competition winner
Team & partners
Michiel Van Driessche
Deborah Lambert
Marnix Vink
Nancy Smolka
Zofia Krzykawska
Eduardo Marin Salinas
Shailaja Shah
Maria E. Castrillo
Caro De Visscher