Strategic Plan Elbasan
Multifunctional Riverscapes
Elbasan is located in a mountainous area, in the center of Albania. It is a former industrial city at the edge of the Shkumbin river. Different mountain streams are running through the town. However, these water structures are currently not deployed as drivers for spatial quality. They are heavily polluted and generate frequent flood problems.
Felixx developed a strategic plan, linking new urban developments to a water management strategy. To goal is to reorient the city towards the river and improve the environmental conditions.
Therefore the riverscapes are divided into 5 typologies. These typologies are defined by difference in environmental challenges and development pressure: streams, canals, new central bypass, delta-parks, embankment.
Upstream, sedimentation in front of the dams is cleaned to increase the capacity in the natural beds of the mountain streams.
The embankments along the canals crossing the city, are redesigned as floodable parks to deal with the variability in water discharge levels. A new bypass connects the different canals, redistributing the water pressure during peak moments, while creating a characteristic canal through the historical center.
At the outlet of the canals in the river, delta parks provide a more gradual discharge and add water storage capacity.
The embankments of the Shkumbin river are redesigned into a dynamic river park, integrating temporary recreational facilities in the floodable areas and a new urban quarter at the higher grounds.
Elbasan, Albania
Research, Masterplan, Landscape
Team & partners
Deborah Lambert
Michiel Van Driessche
Marnix Vink
Klaus-Peter Lorenz
Zofia Krzykawska