Danxia Recreational Park
Cultivated Island in a Natural Park
Danxia Recreational Park is part of a nature reserve, with beautiful mountain ridges and diverse river planes. New recreational facilities will be added to these landscapes to make them accessible and raise the experience value.
The development of Danxia Park fits within a bigger trend, making landscapes around big cities accessible due to the increasing pressure for recreation possibilities. This masterplan aims to provide new facilities, without destroying the natural conditions of the landscape. Therefore a cultural island is added to the river, generating a clear demarcation for the added structures, leaving the natural surroundings untouched.
The design connects existing waterbodies, so they surround a piece of land in the river basin. This creates the island. On this newly made island, different zones are identified based on the various landscape typologies: a mountain zone, a garden, a wetland, an open field and a forest. Specific activities are added to make the experience of these landscapes very explicit. The different zones are connected by a diverse network of paths.
Danxia, China
Masterplan, Landscape
M2 Leisure Asia
120 ha
Team & partners
Michiel Van Driessche
Deborah Lambert
Marnix Vink
Klaus-Peter Lorenz
Zofia Krzykawska