Debate: The future is near
6 June 2024
Why is it important to tackle social challenges integrally, and how can we achieve this? And what makes station areas favorable locations for urban development? As part of the Rotterdam Architectuur Maand, De Zwarte Hond is organizing a panel talk with various table guests, including Michiel van Driessche, founder and partner of Felixx, to discuss these pressing questions on the theme of ‘proximity’.
The evening will start with a short presentation by Daan Zandbelt, (urban planner, architect & partner De Zwarte Hond), followed by two panel discussions that will delve into the central theme: ‘proximity’.
During the talk, we zoom in the context of Rotterdam and zoom out by placing our station areas in an international perspective. What can we learn from other countries and what do we learn exactly from designing at a local level? After the talk there is the opportunity for a chat.
de zwarte hond
With the publication of her latest bookazine OutThere #5, De Zwarte Hond advocates a coherent approach to all major challenges that are (or should be) high on the social agenda. The aim is to create a livable and sustainable future; not only for ourselves but also for all animals and plants.
rotterdam Architecture month
Rotterdam Architecture Month is the Netherlands’ largest architecture festival about the future of the city. The month takes place in June and each year a new appropriate location is chosen for the festival heart. It is open to everyone, regardless of knowledge or experience with architecture.
- Organized by: De Zwarte Hond
- Theme: Proximity
- Speaker: Michiel van Driessche (founder and partner Felixx), Daan Zandbelt (urban planner, architect and partner at De Zwarte Hond), Wenda Doff (urban sociologist), Mathijs van Ruijven (Head Urban Planner at the Municipality of Rotterdam), Anita de Haas (Spoorpark Tilburg Foundation), Maurits Schaafsma (planologist and urban planner at the municipality of Haarlemmermeer), Job Posner (regional manager at Zuid-West NL Synchroon) en Maarten Van Acker (professor of Urban
- Date: 6 juni 2024
- Time: 19:30 – 22:00 pm
- Access: Free
- Location: Henket-paviljoen 3015 CX
Rotterdam, Entrance via Melkkoppad - Language: Dutch
- Tickets: Registration is required for this event. Book your tickets here (free)